Allen And Orr Timber Merchants

About the project

In the interest of minimising their use of energy from unrenewable sources Allen and Orr, Chesterfield, made the decision to install solar panels on their site. The Allen and Orr site is formed from a number of satellite buildings each of different construction, but with fantastic, bespoke roof structures, unfortunately, all of which were in varying states of disrepair.


Birch Grove Engineering were invited at an early stage in the project, to meet with the Client and Contractor to appraise which roofs would be suitable and minimally impacted by the addition of solar panels.


Once a scope had been established, Birch Grove Engineering carried out a structural survey, produced drawings, and completed the design to strengthen several roofs and other elements in order to provide them with sufficient load-carrying capacity for the solar panels.

Other projects

We worked closely with the client and builder to keep build cost and disruption to an absolute minimum whilst more than doubling the footprint of the house with a two storey side, single storey front, and single storey rear extension.

We were brought onto this project late once unexpected problems arose with the drainage, foundations and structure and we were able to add a single storey side and rear extension which satisfied all parties.

A two storey side extension and single storey front extension to the home with no visible internal structure at ground or first floor

Construction Build

Get in touch

We would love to hear from you! Whether you are brand new to building works or are experienced in all matters of construction, we will happily discuss your project, provide advice and supply you with a free quote that is bespoke to your specific needs.